Libreoffice Uml
[] [] • Subject: [it-users] UML e flowchart in libreoffice • From: lordmax tdf • Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2012 10:35:35 +0200 • To: Buongiorno a tutti Ho bisogno di creare flowchart e diagrammi UML e vorrei farlo senza passare dal Visio di Office. Esiste un modo per farlo via libreoffice un poco pi첫 avanzato del semplice disegno (fine a se stesso) di draw? O conoscete una estensione? O altro software open che possa essere usato in accoppiata a libreoffice ovviamente? Vi ringrazio. -- Caselle da 1GB, trasmetti allegati fino a 3GB e in piu' IMAP, POP3 e SMTP autenticato?
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Contents • • • • • OpenDocument file format names LibreOffice uses the following file formats: Document format File extension ODF Text *.odt ODF Text Template *.ott ODF Master Document *.odm HTML Document *.html HTML Document Template *.oth ODF Spreadsheet *.ods ODF Spreadsheet Template *.ots ODF Drawing *.odg ODF Drawing Template *.otg ODF Presentation *.odp ODF Presentation Template *.otp ODF Formula *.odf ODF Database *.odb LibreOffice Extension *.oxt The HTML format is not an OpenDocument format. ODF Chart is the name of the file format for stand alone charts. This format with the extension *.odc is currently not in use. Evolution of the OpenDocument format The OpenDocument format evolves over time. ODF version Date of standard approval by OASIS First supporting version of the software ODF 1.0 2005-05-01 1.1.5 or StarOffice 7 ODF 1.1 2007-02-02 2.2 or StarOffice 8 Update 4 ODF 1.2 2011-09-30 3, StarOffice 9, Oracle Open Office ODF 1.2 (Extended) - 3.2 or StarOffice 9.2 In current versions, you can select to save your documents using ODF 1.2 (default) or ODF 1.0/1.1 (for backward compatibility). Choose Tools - Options - Load/Save - General and select the ODF format version. If you want to exchange documents with users that still use 1 or StarOffice 7, save the document using the respectively named filter in the File type listbox.
If you want to define another file format as the default, choose ' Tools - Options' - to find alternative file formats for each LibreOffice document type. XML file structure Documents in OpenDocument file format are stored as compressed zip archives that contain XML files.
To view these XML files, you can open the OpenDocument file with an unzip program. The following files and directories are contained within the OpenDocument files: • The text content of the document is located in content.xml. By default, content.xml is stored without formatting elements like indentation or line breaks to minimize the time for saving and opening the document.
The use of indentations and line breaks can be activated in the by setting the property /org.openoffice.Office.Common/Save/Document PrettyPrinting to true. • The file meta.xml contains the meta information of the document, which you can enter under File - Properties.
If you save a document with a password, meta.xml will not be encrypted. • The file settings.xml contains further information about the settings for this document. • In styles. Wideview Serial Keygen For Archi. xml, you find the styles applied to the document that can be seen in the Styles and Formatting window. • The meta-inf/manifest.xml file describes the structure of the XML file.
Additional files and folders can be contained in the packed file format. Definition of the XML formats The schema for the OpenDocument formats can be found on the web site. Related Topics. • This page was last edited 14:54:54, 2016-12-27 by LibreOffice Help user. • Content is available under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPLv3), unless otherwise specified, originally based on help. 'LibreOffice' and 'The Document Foundation' are registered trademarks of their corresponding registered owners or are in actual use as trademarks in one or more countries. Their respective logos and icons are also subject to international copyright laws.
Use thereof is explained in our unless otherwise noted.