Vista Sp1 Compcln Exe Downloads
CompCln.exe should be present in Windows System32 if SP2 is installed. For this reason, it can be run from a command prompt regardless of the current directory. This tool may or may not recover space from WinSxS, though. If SP2 was installed after the OS installation, CompCln will make it permanent and should recover at least some space, maybe a significant amount. However, if SP2 was slipstreamed into the OS installation, I doubt it'll recover much, if anything at all. From what I've read, CompCln is the only approved method for reducing the size of WinSxS in Server 2008.
It will take a little bit to finish. When it is finished, you will see the Windows Component Clean completed message.
(See screenshot above) NOTE: You will see the Windows Component Clean was already run on this install message instead if you already ran this or installes Vista with a Vista installation disc that included SP2 with it. When it's done, you can close the elevated command prompt. Now, you just need to let all of us know how much space the tool cleared and saved for you. NOTE: I would happily tell you mine, but I have a Vista installation DVD that already includes the SP1 and SP2, so I have not backup files to clean up.
That's it, Shawn. Thanks a lot this is very usefull because - even if HDD can hold up to TB, the amount of junk lleft on them is amazing. (i guess it is because it is cheap to leave it) Two simples questions a) there is a directory called C: Windows Downloaded Installations holding several GB. I'm i correct to assume it is a directory where WU and other self updating programs downloads the msi prior installing them?
Can I get rid of the content by deleting or through a tool b) is such - as mentionned by you - similar comment available in XP? Best regards.
But, you can shrink the WinSxS folder with vsp1cln. Bs 6465 Sanitary Installations Pdf Merger on this page. exe and compcln. Windows Vista SP1; Use the compcln.exe tool. Jun 16, 2009 Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 Notable Changes in Windows Server 2008 SP2 and Windows. Download Windows Vista Service Pack 2.